Monday 21 September 2015

Catching bits by bits

Assalamualaikum (May peace be upon You)

Post 21: Catching Up
 Its been a while. In fact, I have been away for exactly 4 months (;.;)
Alhamdulillah I have:
1. Completed and survived my work attachment. It was fun and very worthwhile and I gained alot.
2.Been in college for a month now. Its been hard for the first month. I had alot of hardships especially in handling my depression and anxiety. However, Alhamdulillah, I am able to keep it under my control ;)
3. My sister and my dearest friend, Jimmy (yes, its not "I have" anymore) has safely landed at their respective college

There's so many things to be grateful of and some of them I just did'nt realize I have.

 I have alot of assignments to do. I'll try mai best in completing them.

p/s: I have joined a Japanese Culture club in my school. I have only been able to join the session once huhu. I hope I can make friends somehow *laughs*.

Well then,

Listening To:
Last Dance -One Ok Rock

Quotes of the day:
"When someone crowned himself and gave me false security, I dislike that,"